Updates every few days on my backpacking tour of Europe, pictures included!

Friday, May 27, 2005

Whole lot going on...


Thanks for all the comments on the last postm and sorry it's been so long since my I've posted again. Yeah, Geraldo, that was pretty funny how your whole famuily kind of posted in a row. I noticed it too. Umm, this comment confused me:

Ryan said...
Bow chicka wow wow.

Why the porno music?

Anyways, I've got tons to tell, so I'll start from the top.

The next day in Barcelona was pretty cool. I spent the day sleeping in late, booking my tickets, seeing a few things I hadn't seen yet. Overall, it seemed like a pretty relaxed day. Knowing I had to get up at 7:00 AM the next day, I decided I wouldn't go on the pub crawl and just have a beer at the Traveler's Bar. But then, when I got there, I ran into people from Madrid again. If you ever travel in the "hostel circuit" do NOT expect to get away from people. I have lost count by now on how many people I have re-met. So they insisted that I go on the pub crawl. I didn't want to shell out 15€ for it, so we did the stamp transfer thing (they lick their stamp and press it against my hand. Worked like a charm.), and off we went. That's when things got interesting. After about the third pub, I met a wonderful Irish girl named Breege. We got along quite well. We kind of dropped out of the crawl at that point and just went on drinking tequilas and sangrias on our own, just talking. End result... I got "upgraded" from a 20€-a-night hostel to a 100€-a-night hotel. Pretty sweet deal. I blew off my train ticket the next day, e-mailed the hostel in Nice and told them I'd be a day late, and spent the next day in Barcelona with Breege.

Since Breege was heading back to Ireland the next day anyways, we did the tourist thing and bought a spot on the top deck of a tourist bus. We just sat in the sun all day, seeing the sight of Barcelona from our comforable open roof seats. I've got a pretty wicked T-Shirt tan going on right about now. We were completely exhausted that day, since we had been up so late the last night, and I had to get up early and head to my hostel to check out. By the time the tour ended, we went and had ourselves a delicious and long Tapas dinner in a cool littel below-ground red-lit restaurant. By the time we got back to the hotel, we were both just dead. We just laid there and argued about various medical things (she's a doctor, by the way!). I was surprised that with my Bio12 education, I was actually able to keep up with and participate in a discussion.

Anyways, I've been partying for a week straight. Barcelona rocks, the Irish rock, and Europe rocks. It's the funnest city i've been to so far, and really makes Nice look like a dump. That's an unfair judgement thougg, as I haven't explored it yet, and the area of the hostel is probably not the nicest. Lots of construction here. I'll post again tonight with my impressions of Nice and lots of photos, since this computer that I am on has all the ports necessary, but I don't have a cable on me at the moment.

I'm looking forward to seeing you all again when I get home, but I'm not really in a rush 'cus this is just too much fun.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAha ya,good old week long binges. SOunds like Barcelona really kicks as, and pub crawls sound fun, and irish women sound fun. Againyou should have taken a picture of that old mattress, that would have been great. ANyway talks to ya again soon, hopefully NIce turns out to better then it seems so far.

Fri May 27, 08:17:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What Matress?????
Sounds like way too much fun for me, but Iam glad your having it

Fri May 27, 08:24:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey traveller,

how are you? My friend Phil and I are taking some beer and a pizza and we are watching your website. Lot of fun i have to say. Hope you're in germany soon. In germany the beer smells so much better than anywhere else. *g* your dear friend vincent

Sat Jun 11, 09:25:00 AM


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