Updates every few days on my backpacking tour of Europe, pictures included!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

We´re not here to fuck spiders...

That´s right. A great Australian phrase I picked up here in Madrid. We´re not here to fuck spiders. It is said when you are standing around doing nothing. It´s eqivelant of saying "let´s go do something"

Anyways, I am having an absolute blast here in Madrid. The hostel is amazing. For a mere 16€ you get keycard access to your room and locker 24 hours per day, a great local, in hostel bar that server beer at 2.50€ per litre (and plays excellent instrumental jazz in a low-light red painted environment - moody) and more beautiful girls than you could talk to in a week! I have more names to remember with all the people I´ve met than I have ever had before. The whole place is full of people between 18 and 25 looking to get wasted and enjoy Europe.

I´m going museum browsing today with Angee and Alex (WOW). We went to a bull fight yesterday, as spain is the last remaining country where it is not outlawed. I´m not really sure if I would go again. It was cheap, but seeing a bull get tortured and bled to death is really not that fun.

Oh well, Madrid rocks. Here is one picture from the bull fight. It´s me, two Texans, two Australians, and the two American girls (Angess and Alex mentioned above):

well, sorry, nevermind, no pictures. This stupid computer won´t pick up my camera. Anoter time.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds like Madrid is the most fun so far. What happened to your language???? Have fun be Carefull

Wed May 18, 10:17:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

PS I really enjoy the blog.

Wed May 18, 10:19:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah spain, where the women are beautiful and the spiders are... uh. oh I don't know, enjoy yourself :)

Wed May 18, 10:00:00 PM


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