Updates every few days on my backpacking tour of Europe, pictures included!

Monday, May 09, 2005

Annoying guy


OK, so there has been a really frustrating guy in my hotel since the first day here. He is a fat, short, sweaty man who looks a lot like that film critic that had a guest role on the Simpsons once. What is so bad about him? Well, every breath he takes sound like someone who just held their breath for a minute, and is breathing for the first time. Loud burst exhale, deep inhale. When he falls asleep he moans and snores all night long. You can't get used to it, because the pattern and sound change every 20 seconds. Oh, he also can't sleep with the lights off, so he will continue to turn them on.

Last night he kept me up until 4:30 AM, then the funniest thing ever happened. In one of his endless fits of tossing, turning, and moaning, I saw a quick flash of movement in the dark (I had turned the lights out after he fell asleep), and then a loud THUD followed by cursing. He fell of the top bunk! It was everything I could do to hide my face under my blanket and not burst out laughing. He then proceed to stalk around the room, going through his bags for God knows what reason, and then actually turning the lights on! At 4:30 AM!!! There are 5 other people sleeping in the room, and he thinks his weird habit of sleeping in the light supersedes that habits of five others who sleep in the dark. I got up, punched out the light, and went back to bed. He then said something like "Please to be turning on the light. I can't sleep". I told him to get fucked, and that put and end to that.

Anyways, just killing time now, since I get on a train in a couple of hours, and I can't think of anything else to do. I wandered through a public park earlier on, and it was pretty nice. Yesterday, at the Heineken plant, I ran into some Austrian computer programmers, and we hung out at a cafe and argued about programming languages. Yes, I can see all of your eyes rolling right now. Well, shut up. I'll have fun my way.

Well, my next post will be from Paris. I'm off to find a grocery store (I actually haven't seen one yet) to make some sandwiches for the train.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice pictures.
You will probably really appreciate your single room when you get home where nobody turns the light on. be patient.

Mon May 09, 11:16:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jon Lovitz was the name of the simpsons guy :)

Mon May 09, 11:52:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Mon May 09, 01:41:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Silly blog.


Mon May 09, 01:45:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAHA, i Met a guy like that in a motel once, he delivered me pizza. I never hads to sleep in the same room as him though so i don't know if he slep with the lights on or off. Did you get a picture of him, haha.Anyway talked to you later.

Mon May 09, 03:05:00 PM


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