Well, I got to Barcelona today. The 5 hour train ride just flew by as I met 2 American students who had been studying in Madrid for a semester. When I got to Barcelona I made a very minor mistake reading the map, which resulted in me wandering around the city for over an hour with my backpack on looking for the hostel. When the night time temperature is 20c and the humidity is high, you can get some sweat issues going on!
Anyways, I finally did find the hostel. It's in a dirty, dark little back alley but the hostel is actually pretty decent. Not as good as Cat's, as there is no bar or meeting room. I think the reason the streets or so small here (it's actually a street not an ally) is because I am very close to the gothic sector. That's where I´m headed when I finish this post. Then off to see some parks, the olympic stadium, and then to ride and elevator to the head of a tall statue. This city is absolutely beautiful. It sucks that I wont be here for one of the bar crawls, though.
Oh well. Still having a ton of fun. Tomorrow I´m headed to the beach. Hopefully with some of the people I met in Madrid (everyone went to Barcelona). We'll fill some watermelons with vodka if we go. Should be great.
Maybe I'll post again tonight. Internet is free here. Woohoo!
Have fun on thr beach caspar. or are you nice and tanned already, no wait a minute you don't tan in the bar?!?
Mon May 23, 04:12:00 PM
hahah good one Jutta. Right on MAn.
Tue May 24, 11:18:00 PM
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